Hello and welcome to December! The end of the year is upon us and the site has a whole lot in the pipeline. As with the last month, for those that care, this post will provide an update on what's happening this month and what I'm expecting for January. As always, I'll continue to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who visits, reads, and supports my work. You guys are amazing! Please provide some feedback by giving your opinion on the polls. Voting on the polls below is anonymous.
A Note on Content
Anyone who has read one of my stories knows that I focus heavily on reluctance, nonconsent, and familial relations. I enjoy darker themes and will likely not do much in the way of fun and friendly erotica. I do try to stay away from depicting out and out abuse and torture, which I don't find sexy, but exploring reluctant arousal is a fun subject. Yes, I also post some pure nonconsent content that includes forced scenarios. Those, I try to put a bit of a humorous or over-the-top spin on to illustrate the fantasy aspect. Take The Opinions or Tits or Holes. Those stories are kind of rapey, but told in such a way that they're a bit ridiculous. Given the number of likes they receive on this and other platforms, are these types of stories and the method in which they are told fun to read? Regardless, I will write what I write, but I don't enjoy outright offending readers, because I do write things so that we can all enjoy them.
Nonconsent Content?
0%Keep it a bit silly and it's fine.
0%Get dark. Don't be afraid. We know it's just fantasy.
0%Reluctance is all good, but pure noncon is not enjoyable.
0%Rape = bad all the time, even in fantasy scenarios.
For this poll, pick as many answers as you like. Mixing themes and genres is a kick.
Content types you'd like more of? (multiple choices allowed)
You can vote for more than one answer.
I've been putting in a lot of work on creating short content that gets released a few times week, in addition to chapters of older works like The Second Place Sister and Edge. Not everyone has the time to get involved in long reads, which is what I'm mostly known for. Big stories give me more time to explore character, which is one of the things I like most. I'm of the opinion that characters are the heart of the story and exploring character's internal struggles and changes are what make the story most compelling.
With that in mind, I've released two short story collections. All of these stories, again, will be released at some point for free on the site. I choose to offer them as collections for those that want to own them, because the site can't run without money, unfortunately. What I'd like from you all is your opinion on the short content. Do you find these kinds of reads fun? Is the subject matter interesting? Are there certain kinks that you'd like to see more of?
I Like Shorts?
0%I'm enjoying the short content and want more of it.
0%I'd prefer less short content and more books.
0%Just books, please. Shorts are not for me.
0%I like the shorts, but the subjects are not interesting.
Goals and Guests
I love writing for you all. There are also a lot of great writers out there that write similar content. Over the next few months, you'll start to see some guest posting from a few other writers that do similar themes to mine. Some of those you'll probably be familiar with, but I won't spoil it for you.
In the long-term, I'd love to be able to help other writers who do exceptional work to get more readers. Erotica being what it is, there's few platforms that are willing to publish some of the darker kinks, like the ones found here. I'd appreciate feedback on this direction.
Guest Posts?
0%I'd enjoy seeing other writers posting here as guests.
0%I'd rather keep this dark space our own.
New Titles and Series
I work through a lot of stuff in an effort to increase production and maintain quality. Not a day has gone by since this site launched that I haven't been writing, revising and editing. Sometimes that means producing a few episodes of things that I believe can be spun out into longer titles at some point, or collected into a finished book at some point. That means there's a lot of little stories on the site that I've done a few episodes of but don't get that much attention. In addition to the big books, I'd love to find out which of these series you'd like to see more of first, perhaps an entire collection.
Which series deserves love first?
0%Reluctant Suckslut
0%Katrina's Addiction
It was mentioned in the November Roadmap that there are some new books in the works. Now that Bad Influencer is out, I've moved on to finishing the next incest novel, which is shaping up to be quite a ride. While it is tentatively titled Jessica's Job, titles are subject to change if something more appealing gets stuck in my head.
This story follows the reluctant submission of Jessica at the hands of her father, brother, and others in her life. The tone of this story is more in line with The Second Place Sister, with a lot of focus on Jessica's struggle with her reluctance, similar to that of Tori. It's a contrast to the sillier tone of Reared in Birchbark Falls and not quite as dark as Correcting Kelly. Look for this one mid to late December. If I feel like revisions are in the right place, this should be dropping before Christmas.
The second Korrupting Kayla novel is also in the works. I'm really happy to get back to resolving all the weirdness in Kayla's family and her further slide into her new identity. Things are going to get dark, so I hope you voted for a lot of reluctance and noncon in the above content poll. We'll also explore more of Tiffany's life, though things are taking a drastic turn there, as well. Look for this book in January to early February.
There two storylines to wrap up before the DomCo series ends. Sophie's adventures in Reluctant Suckslut and Sasha's story from Sasha's Obsession. Both of those will be concluded in novella length books in late winter or early spring, as long as I don't come up with something that's more fun before then.
Previous illustrated works are coming slowly. The Second Place Sister will have an illustrated edition coming within the next month or so. This edition will only be released on this site, as Smashwords will not allows nudity or sex in images. Amazon outright banned this book due to the content, so you won't find it there. If you previously purchased this title before the edition is released, you will be receiving a coupon code for a discount if you'd like to pick up the illustrated version. This version will also include any Hamlin Family shorts that have been or will be released on the site prior to dropping.
Illustrated Editions
I did the first hybrid release with Bad Influencer , which I put out in a text-only version and an illustrated edition with bonus material. Going forward, I'd like to do the same with future releases. I'm also going back and doing some artwork to add for previous titles. What are your opinions on the artwork? Does this add more depth and value to the stories? Could you take it or leave it?
Ideally, HentaiArtist would be doing all the illustration work, but that's a bit beyond the site's current ability to pay for and he has his own projects. I've been quite happy with most of the AI art, which is great for character modeling and basic sex, but not so great at multiple partners or girl/girl content. Still, it's much easier to get a lot of imagery for a lower amount out of AI versus a professional artist, meaning more artwork for stories. What do you think?
What do you think of artwork?
0%Enjoy the illustrations in everything
0%Enjoy the illustrations in big books, but not short content
0%Enjoy illustrated shorts, but not in books
0%I prefer to have illustrated content
Memberships and Loyalty
I've been considering adding a loyalty program to the site, if I can do it in a way that provides real value. Is a loyalty program something that you find attractive?
Loyalty Programs?
0%Accrue points for purchases that earn discounts on books
0%Optional membership: Discounts + Early Access
0%It's fine how it is.
0%No loyalty, but I'd like coupons
Your Favorite Story
The stories get a lot of reads here and elsewhere, but people don't like leaving reviews on erotic content, understandably. Tell me, so far what is your favorite story?
Favorite Title (Multiples Allowed)
0%The Second Place Sister
0%Korrupting Kayla
0%Sasha's Obsession
You can vote for more than one answer.
Favorite Character?
Favorite Character? (Multiples Allowed)
0%Stephanie Hamlin
0%Tori Hamlin
You can vote for more than one answer.
That wraps up this edition, unless I think of something that I forgot to add, and I will update later. Again, I value so much your support and your feedback on the site and content. I'm working hard at making this a place that we can all enjoy, and inclusive of many kinds of kinks. As always, stay safe, happy holidays, and continue to be kinky.