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Feminine Fundamentals: Part Two

Freshman college student, Mona, is in pursuit of her degree in Feminism and Gender Studies. When she's required to take a class in Feminine Fundamentals for her inclusive university, she wrongly assumes the class will be an easy "A". The curriculum she needs to learn from her blonde, bimbo instructor is misogynist and gross. However, the things her professor espouses quickly become confusing, throwing everything Mona believes into doubt.

In the weeks that follow, Mona finds her life quickly taken over by the course lessons, leading her into a never-ending spiral of self-humiliation and degradation. In this DomCo tie-in story, follow Mona's transformation from a vocal champion of women's rights to a subhuman sex toy. Kinks served: Slut transformation, Humiliation, Degradation, Anal, FemChastity, Incest, Blowjob, Noncon, Workplace degradation, School degradation

After class, Mona still felt angry. Anyone would, she reasoned. It didn’t matter if they had reproductive organs on the inside or outside. When their gender was insulted in such a way, they’d feel angry.

Only, as she thought about it, she wondered if it were true. After all, she was not a man, so she didn’t actually know if a man would feel angry. She decided, that night, that she would ask the smartest man she knew.

On a phone call with her father, she went through the necessary pleasantries and then asked her question.

“Dad, if someone told you something that you found offensive, that you knew was a lie, would you feel angry?”

Her father was quiet momentarily and then said, “I think, first, that I’d try to understand their point of view. Giving into emotion is an animal reaction. It’s the ability to think and reason that sets people apart from animals. Do you want to talk about what made you feel angry?”

Flustered and confused, Mona declined and said her goodbyes. When she hung up, she felt even angrier, but not at Professor McCunt this time. She was angry with herself.

What her father said struck her. He thought. He hadn’t felt. He’d thought, and he’d reasoned. Mona had simply gotten angry and offended. Like an animal.

It was an unpleasant thought. She wasn’t an animal and the whole class was stupid. It was all bullshit. But she did feel angry and she felt stressed.

As she sat in her dorm room and sulked, feeling upset about the insulting remarks and the ridiculous course, her mood gradually began to brighten. She found herself replaying the events of the class in her head as she lay on her bed. The unexpected, gross conclusion of today’s lesson had been one of the most disgusting things she’d ever witnessed. The instructor was a total slut. A slutty, stupid bimbo, who was trying to confuse them all with those gross misogynist lessons.

Girls—women, she corrected herself, were not animals. They didn’t operate on feelings. But McCunt had continually baited Mona into reacting with her feelings. The next time, she’d be smarter. She’d come up with reasoned, well-thought-out responses and prove the bimbo wrong. She was already feeling better.

It was only then that Mona became conscious of how good she did feel. The mental image of her bimbo instructor’s orgasming face, stuffed full of a janitor’s cock, shattered like glass. Mona pulled her hand from between her legs and stared at it like it was a traitor. She’d been rubbing her cunt. She’d been feeling so bad that she’d begun to rub her cunt like… like some kind of animal! And it had made her feel better. She pulled her pillow over her head and began to cry.


Mona was sullen as she ate a bowl of noodles on the couch of her dorm, looking askance at her tablet. The words of the first chapter of her textbook were on the screen. The Female Animal. She didn’t want to read it.

She hurried to turn the screen off as the door opened and her roomie walked in, setting her bag down heavily next to the door, where Mona didn’t feel it belonged. She felt the same surge of annoyance she always did when Carla dumped her bag so casually by the door. Mona also felt silly as she caught herself feeling annoyed, and immediately turned her mind toward trying to think about the reason Carla did it, rather than feeling. The fact remained, though, that her first reaction had been to feel, instead of think, and that made her glance at the tablet once more.

“Hey, bitch,” Carla said kindly and flopped down next to her on the couch.

“Hey,” Mona said.

Carla called everyone bitch, but today Mona felt another twinge of annoyance at the stupid name. It wasn’t Carla’s fault, though. It was the school’s fault. It was that bimbo teacher’s fault.

Carla glanced at Mona’s tablet and said, “It works a lot better if you turn it on.”


“The tablet.”

Mona blushed. Of course, she knew how to operate a tablet. Did Carla just assume that she was too stupid to know how to use it? Did Carla think she was stupid because she had big boobs?

“I know how to turn it on,” Mona snapped. “I’m not some… some bimbo!”

“Uh, okay,” Carla said. “Sorry?”

Mona set her bowl aside and said, “No. I’m sorry. It’s not you. It’s this stupid class. Feminine Fundamentals.”

“Oh, shit! Crazy right?” Carla said, sitting up excitedly. “I took it this afternoon. What a hot mess! That instructor. Oh, shit!”

Mona nodded and said, “I hate it.”

Carla shrugged, “It’s not so bad. Just a bunch of nonsense. I mean, when you took World Religion, you didn’t start worshipping Allah or Krishna, right? You took Alternative Genders and Preferences, and you’re still a cisgender straight chick. At least, I think. I guess it’s, you know, whatever if you aren’t. I’m just saying.”

“I’m… I’m not a lesbian!” Mona said, a bit too harshly.

“I’m just saying that you don’t have to believe that crap,” Carla explained. “You just have to pass the class. You came to an inclusive school because you respect and value other people’s points of view, right?”

“I guess,” Mona grumbled. “But it’s weird.”

“It’s not so bad,” Carla said and crossed her legs beneath her. “I mean, some of it even makes sense.”

“What part?” Mona snapped and her face got hot. “The part where all women are animals? Or that I have a dry cunt? Pussy. Vagina! Fuck!”

“You have a dry cunt?” Carla asked half a smile on her face.

“No! I mean, yes! I mean, I’m not— fuck! You see what I mean? It’s gross!”

“Geez,” Carla said. “Someone really got to you, huh? Maybe you just need to go wet your cunt and calm down.”

“Stop saying that word!” Mona snapped and stood up. She began pacing.

“Okay, okay. Just take a chill pill, bitch. You’re letting your feelings get to you.”

Mona stopped and realized that Carla was right. Again. She’d been feeling instead of thinking, again! She took a breath, let it out slowly, and sat back down.

“Do you want to do the homework together?” Carla asked.

Mona looked at the tablet again and said, “I’ll do it later. I don’t want to look at it.”

Carla shrugged and said, “Suit yourself. I’m gonna knock it out before I go out tonight. You gonna come?”

“No. I have to work.”

Mona quickly rinsed her bowl and went back to her bed, shutting the door to her room. She tossed her tablet on the small desk and flopped heavily onto the bed. She shouldn’t be bothered by the nonsense from the class, but it was just so ridiculous. She set her phone and fell into a fitful nap.


How will Mona's experiences in her class change her? Will she continue to fight the system and remain a champion of women's rights? Find out in Feminine Fundamentals!


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